Friday, August 14, 2009

Can't forget this one

I am bad about writing things down lately in the girls baby books and bad about taking pictures or even using the video camera so I am writing this post about Taylor so I won't forget some of the cute things she says. Really it is a daily occurrence with Taylor. She keeps us laughing and in awe all the time. I mean really where do they learn this stuff or come up with it at the young age of 2 (well THREE next week!)?!
Tonight we were saying our prayers before bed...side note; Taylor doesn't call them her prayers and instead she says "Saying her wishes"
Anyway, tonight she first prayed for her Uncle Keith, all her cousins, Aunt Brandy, the Tooth Fairy, Grammy/PawPaw and then Mommy/Daddy. OK did you miss the Tooth Fairy one? I almost did as I had to ask Taylor to say it again. I heard her correctly. It was just odd to me because how does she know who the tooth fairy is yet? It didn't seem to phase her at all. She kept on with her prayers and then I had to talk her into going to BED! That might be the most frustrating part of my day as she just doesn't want to go to sleep. Taylor fights bedtime almost every night! Once she is asleep she sleeps well but the act of getting her there is the difficult part.
She is so active that I know she must be tired. I guess she has enough energy for all of us :)

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