Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Princess for a Day

Grammy (my Mom) treated Ellie and Taylor to a special day at Mooky and Doodles on Saturday the 24th. This is a cute boutique and salon for "little ladies" to be pampered. I believe it was a Christmas gift for Ellie and Taylor was invited too for a day out with Grammy. From the pictures (will post once I get them from my Dad) it looks like the girls had a wonderful time being spoiled at the salon. They both had their nails painted, their hair curled and pinned up, make-up applied and glitter covered them head to toe! A princess for a day!! THANK YOU to Grammy for making it a special day for Taylor and Ellie.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Goodness I don't even know where to begin! I have been really really slack about posting here lately. Seriously I just don't think there are enough hours in the day sometimes to get everything done. So if I go back a few weeks I think the next big event was starting Caroline on cereal for the first time. She was about 4 1/2 months and seemed pretty interested in eating. Whenever we are eating she follows the food from our hands all the way to our mouths. At first she was not too interested in the cereal. The first couple of bites she smiled and even opened her mouth waiting for the spoon to hit her tongue. I thought for sure this was going to be very successful but that excitement didn't last too long. She started fussing after a couple of bites and pushed most of the cereal out! First day wasn't too successful but it has gotten better and she actually almost seems ready for the next step...veggies!

Taylor has been a big help. A couple of times she has asked to help feed Caroline and really is being a great big sister. Caroline seems so mesmerized when watching Taylor. I only wish we could know what she is thinking :)

She is not too exctied about the cereal...

Her first spoon full!

FIRST Ear Infection...

On Jan. 19th I was off from work for MLK day and the girls were out of school. We spent to morning at the Dr.'s office only to discover that little Caroline had her first ear infection! Poor little thing was miserable that whole weekend. She was really fussy and did not want to be put down. She was also awake most of the night on Sunday (not like her!) She woke up with a low fever on Monday. I loaded Taylor and Caroline up and off to the Dr. office we went. Of course as we visited with the Dr. Caroline was smiling and moving all over. She didn't seem bothered at all! I never can understand why that always happens! I mean she hadn't been that content all weekend?! The Dr. laughed and said that for this very reason he still can't get his car fixed as every time he takes it in, the awful squeaking noise is not audible. Well at least we did find out though that Caroline had her first ear infection in her left ear. She started feeling better in a day or two after being on the antibiotic.

The day before we found out Caroline had an ear infection. We were on our way to the grocery store that Sunday morning. Taylor spent the night with Grammy and PawPaw so it was just the three of us that morning.

Arts and crafts for Taylor

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun night with the Godfrey Family!

This afternoon the Godfrey family came over to play and to eat dinner before the big Carolina Panthers game. Samuel, Arden, Simone and Taylor had a blast together! (Little Caroline just watched and took it all in...soon enough she will be running around with all of them too!) They were busy outside on the swing set and in the barbie jeep. After dinner the girls were too cute playing dress up! We can't wait for the Godfrey's to come back over!!
What a big girl sitting in her Bumbo seat!
Happy Little Caroline

Sweet Princess Arden and Taylor

Shannon and Sammy ready for the big game!
Silly kids

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Random pictures and Caroline is 4 months old!!

Here some pictures that we have taken over the past few weeks. Time really does fly by! We can not believe that Caroline is already 4 months old (well she was on 12/21). Caroline had her four month appointment on 12/22 and had a good check-up. She weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz. and is 24 inches long. She was upset with Mommy and the nurse for those awful 3 shots... that never gets easier!!
Taylor at Kennedy's party

Two peas in a pod!

Sisterly love..."Taylor be careful of Caroline" is an ongoing statement in our house :)

Caroline with some of her new toys

Saturday, January 3, 2009

In Loving Memory of Grandma Kenney, Marie P. Kenney...

Unfortunately on December 27, 2008 we lost a wonderful woman, Marie P. Kenney; a very special person in our lives. She was a wonderful Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother who lived a long fulfilling life! She will be missed terribly although it is easier to deal with such a loss knowing that she is in a better place without any pain or suffering. I got back from the funeral in NY last night and told Taylor this morning that Grandma Kenney is our angel now that is looking over all of us. Grandma, you will truly be missed. We love you!!!