Tuesday, January 25, 2011



My Mom and I had been promising Taylor that we would take her to see the movie Tangled about Rapunzel. We were supposed to go over the Martin Luther King Holiday but unfortunately Taylor lost that privilege that afternoon. She has gotten really good at NOT LISTENING and showing us all of her sassiness! Rob and I are not always super consistent concerning punishment for the girls. I think it is so hard to discipline although it is something that really needs to be done and followed through by both parents! We are definitely working on it together. Rob and I agreed that we needed to stick with our threat of taking away Taylor’s movie privilege if she continued to misbehave and eventually we did. Fortunately after she realized that we were serious and there was not going to be a movie that day, she was on her best behavior and earned the privilege back the following weekend.

I was not sure if Caroline was really ready for an hour and half movie. She really doesn’t have much interest in the TV yet. She will say she wants to watch a certain show but I don’t think she has sat down and watched more than 5 minutes, if that! I should have seriously considered all that information before deciding to take Caroline with us to the movie. To be honest, I just hated leaving Caroline out!

My Mom (Grammy) and I took Taylor and Caroline to see Tangled the following Sunday afternoon. They were both extremely excited! Taylor kept telling Caroline that they could get a drink, popcorn and some yummy fruit snacks while we watched Tangled. (Taylor went with her Mimi last year to see her first movie, The Princess and the Frog and she totally remembers what she got as her movie snack!)

I wish I had my camera, because it really was cute watching them walk into the theatre and sit in those big seats with their little kid movie pack. I think what I saw of the movie was very cute! Taylor did great, although she did ask several questions during the movie. Now as for Caroline, that is a whole different story!!

Let me start by saying we have been potty training Caroline and the half water/half pink lemonade was not the best drink decision for the movies! We went to the bathroom about 4 times in the hour that Caroline and I lasted there. Three times she actually did use the potty and the other visit was just that…a visit! She wanted to wash her hands again and use the hand dryer! Then she suddenly had an obsession with the trash can?! She wanted to throw her popcorn away, then her drink and then I had to put a stop to it when she wanted to throw each napkin away individually!! She played musical chairs the whole time too. She went from the chair next to Grammy to the chair next to me and then eventually on my lap- well and then down again to let the whole cycle start over! I had finally had enough and thought she had too, so Caroline and decided to leave. Taylor and Grammy stayed to watch the end of the movie. I just laughed though as Caroline and I were leaving because she turned to me in the most excited voice and said, “Mommy I LIKED the movie Tangled!”

Hmm Hmm I thought because she could have fooled me :-)

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