I can not believe that Caroline just turned 10 months old on Saturday. In only two short months we will be celebrating her first birthday; goodness how is it that time already?!
She is a crawling machine these days and now just can't wait to walk.
She recently moved classrooms at daycare and they are now in the "1-year old room." Basically for Caroline that means they have a slightly new eating schedule and only have one nap. Yes I can't believe she only gets one nap. (we still give her two at home!)
She is plain exhausted when I pick her up every day. We try our best to keep her up until 7 pm but that is pushing it sometimes.
See below...this is what usually happens when we give Caroline her evening bottle
Play time with Grammy
She stopped eating the stage two baby foods about 2 weeks ago and is on all table food. I can't get over it; again growing up way too fast! She is just like Taylor was at this age with eating...she loves it and just can't seem to get enough. She is feeding herself now with pick up foods and I think she usually drops more in her lap or on the floor than what really gets in her mouth. Lately Caroline says "DaDa" all the time. I swear she used to say "MaMa" but I haven't heard that in a while! She loves to laugh. Rob even said the other day he could watch or listen to her laugh all day if he could. It is the sweetest laugh! She is still mesmerized by the TV, loves our dogs (Duke and Rusty) and follows them around, enjoys watching Taylor and sometimes tries to climb all over her too. Caroline is a happy, healthy 10 month old little girl.
She is such a "girl!" as she adores shoes!
Myniah, Caroline's teacher at daycare (who was also Taylor's teacher) told me last week that she sees more and more of Taylor in Caroline every day. Oh goodness what I am going to do with these high energy girls?!! Well I guess just love on them even more and enjoy them as that is all I really want to do! These two girls bring a smile to my face and a fullness in my heart! Rob and I are so blessed.