Sunday, November 2, 2008

Starting back to work!

So we made it back from CT on Monday around midnight! We were supposed to come back on Tuesday but I just didn't think about the fact that I had to start work again on Wednesday. I wanted a day to get things together and feel more settled before sending Caroline to daycare and me back to Polo. Wednesday morning was a little hectic as we are not used to getting two children and Rob out of the door by 7:30am! I ended up taking Caroline to school that day. Rob took Taylor as the normal routine. I was definitely emotional leaving Caroline at Village Kids. I knew I would miss our time together during the day. I got really emotional as I walked out to my car and on the way into work. I guess I did have some comfort knowing that Caroline was in good hands. One of her teachers, Ms. Myniah was also Taylor's teacher. Rob and I really liked Myniah so I think that helped knowing her teacher in advance. I must say it was hard to leave her but it was definitely easier with her than it was with Taylor. I guess the second time around is easier but still emotional!

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