Wednesday, August 27, 2008
August is BUSY--2nd Birthday and a New Baby!!!!
Well we have been a little busy the past couple of weeks. Taylor turned 2 on August 20th and then her sister decided to make her appearance the next day! Caroline Avery was born on August 21st at 9:09 am weighing 6lbs and 8oz and 20 inches long. We are all doing great!
Taylor had a wonderful birthday. I had not been feeling well at all the night before and the morning of the 20th. I ended up finishing some last minute details for Taylor's Ladybug Birthday Party that we were throwing that Saturday, August 23rd. That afternoon, I went to Taylor's daycare to have a little party with all of her friends at Village Kids. She was so cute and totally knew it was her birthday! She loves all that attention.
Taylor had a wonderful birthday. I had not been feeling well at all the night before and the morning of the 20th. I ended up finishing some last minute details for Taylor's Ladybug Birthday Party that we were throwing that Saturday, August 23rd. That afternoon, I went to Taylor's daycare to have a little party with all of her friends at Village Kids. She was so cute and totally knew it was her birthday! She loves all that attention.
Village Kids Party..we decided no cake for this party; Cheetos and Cookies!
That night we had Grammy, PawPaw and Mimi over for a birthday dinner. In the meantime I started having contractions again but they were about 10 minutes or so apart..still not time but getting close! Grammy and PawPaw brought over Taylor's play kitchen for her birthday and she loves it. She cooked dinner for me last night (well I really only got some milk from her frig but it is still sweet). We had a great time with the grandparents and enjoyed celebrating Taylor's birthday with them. (Of course Popie was missed but he was out of town for the night for work.)
As our parents were leaving Rob said that they all needed to be "on call" as he thought that we were going to have the baby sometime within the night. Mimi was going to come sit with Taylor and my Mom was going to meet us at the hospital. I think they were all prepared.
A night with Grammy, PawPaw and Mimi
Trying to hold up those two fingers!
Rob and I went to sleep early knowing that we might not get a full night's rest. Well we certainly did not get enough sleep, if any for me!! I finally woke Rob up around 2:00 am and said it was go time as my contractions were about 5 minutes apart. We called Mimi around 3 and were at the hospital around 3:45 am with my contractions pretty intense and 3-5 minutes apart. After an all natural delivery again (but MUCH EASIER this go round!!), our second little blessing Caroline Avery was born! I was toying with the idea of getting an epidural after talking with Dr. Lowe but once they checked me it was too late and I was already 9.5 cm dilated. Caroline was ready! I only pushed for about 15 minutes and she was here as perfect as her sister. We are so lucky to have two healthy children and are so grateful. Taylor and Mimi met Grammy, PawPaw, Rob and I up at the hospital about 30 minutes after the birth to meet her little sister. She was a little scared of the IV tubes and what not that I was hooked up to but she was excited to meet Caroline for the first time. She kept saying "My Caroline." She is very sweet to her sister although we are currently working through some "fits" and "tantrums" that she has been having over the past week. I am sure it will just take some time for all of us to adjust. Otherwise things are going really well. I am feeling great and Caroline seems to be very healthy. I was so worried that I was going to be in the hospital for Taylor's 2nd Birthday party.
This was when we first got to the hospital & was admitted around 4:30 am or so....just the beginning!
Proud Daddy!
Proud and thankful it is over Mommy!
On our way home! Love the outfit Monica--thanks!!
I had been planning this birthday party for a few months as I knew this time in August would be pretty chaotic with Taylor's birthday and my due date so close together. I had just about everything planned out and ready to go for Saturday. I was able to be discharged from the hospital on Friday instead of Saturday. This was great as I am not sure how I would have managed coming home and throwing the party the same day.
I do owe a HUGE THANK YOU to my Mom, Rob's Mom as well as Monica for all their help in finishing up the last minute details for the party. I think it turned out to be a successful little party. Taylor didn't get a full nap in that day and was a little overwhelmed at times but definitely had a great time at the party! The kids all played in the water and on the swing set and ate lots! She had so much sugar that day it was a little difficult to get her to sleep although once she was down she was out for the night! It had been a busy few days for all of us.
I guess Rob and I will always have a busy August with these birthdays ONE day apart! At least we get a few months before Christmas comes around :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Finally an update!
Sorry I have been so slack lately with our blog. I guess we really haven't been that interesting to write about :)
A little update on the pregnancy...YES I am still prego! I am starting my 38th week, so not much longer but I am ready for the little one to arrive for sure. Keep your fingers crossed that it happens sooner than later!
Tonight we had our friends Chris, Brooke and Quinn Kelly over for a cookout. The kids had a great time together once they both warmed up. It is funny how it takes a few minutes for them to get settled and feel relaxed. By the end of the night, the two of them walked back into the house holding hands...where is the camera when you need it?! We had a great time and hope to see them again soon. Here are some pictures from the evening.Taylor and Quinn, are you two ready for some golf!
Quinn getting ready for the big slide
Ready, Set, GO Taylor!
Taylor's coming to get out
Dinner together, how sweet?!...I think The Dads snuck those adult beverages in the photo!
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