Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!


I just ADORE these three little girls. They might make me lose my mind here and there and act a little nutty myself, but I am ever so grateful God gave them to us as healthy angels, full of personality. They help me remember why Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. I know we all get caught up in the commercialized part of this Holiday but I want my girls to know what the true meaning behind Christmas is all about.

The other day, I was talking with Taylor and Caroline and we got on the subject of toys…this seems to be a HOT subject in this household lately :)

Both girls were telling me about the Barbie House that they wanted Santa to bring on Christmas Eve. We talked a little about gifts and fun stuff before I decided to have a more serious conversation with them. I told them that it was great to have this time of year where we were able to tell Santa certain things we wanted as gifts but I then asked them what Christmas was really all about. Taylor quickly responded, “It is Jesus’ Birthday!”

I explained to both girls, that it is wonderful that we are able to celebrate Jesus’ birthday every year and get such nice gifts from Santa but really everything was all about Jesus and his birth. I don’t want any of us to lose sight of that!

With that said, the girls were very excited to make Jesus a birthday cake on Christmas Eve. I pretty much let Taylor and Caroline make the cake from start to finish (with a little assistance of course!) They were so sweet helping each other pour in the ingredients and mix up the batter with the electric mixer. To be honest, Taylor had to coax Caroline to come back into the kitchen once I brought out the mixer. Caroline gets scared easily and was not too sure about the mixer at the first sight of it!

I wish I would have taken a picture of the cake, but like usual I forgot! I think the cake was a big hit on Christmas night over at my parents’ house. I didn’t try any myself but the girls and their cousins Ellie and Aiden really enjoyed it!


Emily Caroline

Taylor and Ella BW

Girls-tree BW

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